Perry Beeches Art Group
Perry Beeches Art Group is open to all levels of ability, from the complete beginner to the more accomplished artist.
We meet on Tuesday mornings from 10 am to 12 noon in the church hall.
A resident art tutor is present (for 3 weeks out of 4) to give demonstrations in various mediums, individual tutoring and back to basics lessons.
The group has an extensive library of art books which can be borrowed.
There are bring and buy sales for fund raising and a Christmas quiz buffet.
Refreshments are provided at our weekly meetings.
Subscriptions are paid monthly by cheque or cash - £22.00 a time – up front, for the month (these work out at £5.50 per session).
For more information, please contact Sarah Ellis (Art Group Secretary) on:
Mobile: 07756 545874
email: sarah.jellis.20@googlemail.com