Perry Hall Methodist

Church Family Fun Day

Church Family Fun Day

15 Nov 2021 • Recent events

Earlier in September, taking great care to continue to follow covid guidelines, Perry Hall Methodist Church hosted a Family Fun Day in the church garden.

The weather was extremely kind to us and it felt like a beautiful Summer’s day! A huge display of balloons decorated the front of the Church grounds, welcoming everyone to join in.

Many families from the Church, including from the youth and uniformed organisations attended. It was particularly lovely to welcome families from the local community; they bought along their own picnics and everyone was mingling and chatting in the sunshine.

Activities during the day included sports day races: egg and spoon race, sack race, obstacle race and relay races. There was also a hopscotch and wellie throwing, which proved to be extremely popular! Children and adults alike took part in all the activities and there was lots of fun, laughter and cheering, particularly when medals were awarded!

It was a truly wonderful afternoon and a great time was had by all!