Perry Hall Methodist

Praying for peace

Praying for peace

15 Feb 2020 • From the Minister

Praying for peace

I wonder how you’re feeling now we have ‘got Brexit done’.
I’m not sure I’ve noticed any changes so far, although perhaps Brexit doesn’t feature quite so prominently in news broadcasts as it has done over the past few months.

In our families and communities, opinions and feelings are varied.
Some debates have been heated.
Some have experienced an increase of prejudice and intolerance.
Some attitudes or feelings are held with a passion while others are indifferent.

However you feel, whatever you think, I want to join with those who are calling for an end to divisions and a healing of our nation.[1]

There is an ancient prayer in the Christian church called the Nunc Dimittis.

Words that were prayed by Simeon when Mary and Joseph brought the baby Jesus to the temple for his dedication offering.
Simeon had been told by God that one day he would see the Messiah, God’s chosen anointed one.  And so, every day he went faithfully to the temple to pray. When he saw Jesus, somehow, he knew he was the one.  And he prayed, Lord, now you let your servant depart in peace…’

I am joining with those calling for us to depart the European Union in peace.  I am praying for an end to divisions and a healing of relationships.
You might like to use the prayer below to pray with me for peace for individuals, relationships, families, communities and our nation.

However we feel about Brexit
We mark this… day
As people who grieve or celebrate together
One people
Loved equally, freely and unconditionally
By the one wise all-seeing God
Either way let us hold this day gently
Giving ourselves permission to leave
Without elation or despair
Determined to love our neighbour
Support the weak and welcome the stranger
Lord of all life
Let your servants depart in peace
And live according to your Holy Law[2]

[1] Read more here

[2] Adapted from a prayer for Brexit day by the Revd Barbara Glasson, President of the Methodist Conference